viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Summary of classes (3)

Grammatical Cohesion

The grammatical cohesion refer to the structural content of a text, this have some aspects like, Substitution and Reference both help us to identify information previously mentioned, and, certain grammatical items without semantic interpretation.
Also exist Lexical Cohesion not is more than the effect that the vocabulary has,
With this came some aspect importance such as reiteration and collocation.
Finally all this information helps us to identify the grammatical structure in content.


The composing process II

On this class was the continuation of the first class and in this we learn about some aspects that we consider to make compositions between these the Subject we can choose a topic with which we feel familiarize, the Audience, this is for me the most important because of this depend all the composition, other aspect is the Purpose in this we can make us a question: What’s your goal when writing? And the possible answer are, to entertain, o convince, to persuade, so on.

Exist some strategies that we can use,

Freewriting: we write the first things that appear in our mind.

Brainstorming: we write ideas, words, or maybe key phrases.

Clustering: we organize the ideas though mapping.

Asking questions: what? How? When? Where? Why? Who?

All this strategies help us when we writing a composition.

Summary of the classes ( 1)

The composing process

The class was about writing, the teacher explained the types, some characteristics, principles and so on.
I could define writing like a process in which someone expresses his/her ideas, is also very important keeping the audience in mind to make it understand all the ideas using the appropriated words; on the other hand exist many types of written language for example, fiction, newspaper, letters, among many others with this types of written, we can identify texts when we read something; also exist types of classroom writing performances like a Display Writing, Real Writing, Grammatical Approach this explained that learners manage knowledge of grammar for example rule explanations, dictations; Functional Approach this is based on the communicative functions for examples descriptions, narrations, etc, Product Approach I’m understand this of this form, the teacher evaluate the product of the composition take into a count the previous feedback of the writer has had on class; and the last one Process Approach this is contrary to the above point, the teacher evaluate all the process that implies Planning-Generation-Organizing and-goal setting, after this process must Expending-Linking-Reorganizing, to complete the process must Reviewing-Reading and- Editing.